- To provide relief without discrimination to ALL Veterans, their families and dependents, and for present and future members of the Armed Services and their dependents
- To provide welfare advice and support to assist members, their families and dependents, by way of welfare officers, to obtain evidence necessary to commence and pursue claims for compensation for disability or death suffered during Service related activities.
- To provide relief from poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, destitution or helplessness to persons recognisably in need of assistance.
- To support and comply with the principles and promote the objectives of the Disability Services Act 1992.
- To conduct the Association for the ongoing benefit and welfare of Veterans, their families and dependents and also for past and present members of the Defence Forces and dependents.
- To seek Government funding and assistance in providing support for the ongoing welfare of members and /or their families in demonstrated need of assistance.
- To uphold the interests of all members and their dependents and to safeguard their good name.
- To conduct the objectives without consideration of private gain for individuals or for financial gain for the Blue Mountains VietnamVeterans & Associated Forces Incorporated.
- To maintain public awareness of the role played, and those services provided by the Blue Mountains Vietnams Veterans & Associated Forces Incorporated.
- To create, promote and cherish a bond of comradeship between members and to foster an esprit-de-corps.
- To honour the memory and revere those who have served and suffered as a consequence of war.
- To promote and organise social gatherings of the members and their families.
The Association produces a quarterly newsletter CONTACT! with a circulation to over 300 members throughout Australia.